Drone engineer education




This is a drone engineer human resource development project headed by Randy Mackay, a top-class developer of the world’s most used drone open software “ArduPilot.” This is a lecture where you can acquire operational and development know-how that can be used for advanced business use of drones using ArduPilot through classroom lectures, outdoor exercises, automatic autonomous drone programming, and building your own aircraft.

Three points why learning ArduPilot technology is attracting attention in the drone industry

  1. Increasing demand for domestic development of autonomous control robots such as drones, rovers, and boats
  2. Adoption and utilization of open source drone “ArduPilot” is rapidly increasing
  3. “The most active global community” has formed among drone open source engineers

3 features

  1. Mr. Randy Mackay, one of the world’s leading drone software developers and lead top engineer of ArduPilot, is the head of the school.
  2. Started on May 20, 2016 as Japan’s first human resource development project for drone engineers, and has continued and expanded its track record.
  3. Track record of producing engineers who support the drone industry (as of August 1, 2025: 670 graduates from 1st to 18th term)

Drone engineer training school

Lectures where you can learn operation and development know-how for advanced drone business use with ArduPilot through classroom lectures/outdoor exercises, automatic and autonomous drone programming, and building your own aircraft.

ArduPilot Developers Conference 2024

The “ArduPilot Developers Conference” is an international conference that brings together ArduPilot engineers who are contributing to the creation of drone technology in various countries.